Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Crustaceans (II): Lobsrers 甲殼類 (II): 海戰車和龍蝦

In this blog, I am going to introduce the "star" of the crustaceans, the lobster. It is interesting to state here that in Arabic here, the lobster is called "Um al Rubiyan", meaning the mother of the prawn. The coast of the western Arabian Gulf is mostly sandy and muddy, and therefore, it is rare to catch "rock lobster" in the wild. Presently some concrete breakwaters have been deployed to create "corniche" place for local residents. The crevices between breakwaters might be suitable habitats for the rock lobsters, as they did in Taiwan, but so far I have never seen or heard that rock lobsters are caught there. Although the rock lobsters are available in some local retail markets, they are (as per the fish salesperson) imported from rocky area, such as Oman, or the Red Sea.

在這一篇文章,來介紹甲殼類的明星: 龍蝦。有趣的是,在這邊阿拉伯文龍蝦稱為"Um al Rubiyan",蝦子的媽媽,也顯示阿拉伯人的幽默。通常龍蝦喜歡棲息在礁岩的縫隙中,但阿拉伯灣西側基本上都是沙泥灘,所以幾乎都不會看到龍蝦出現。近幾年沙烏地政府改造沙灘,在海邊放置許多人造石頭並建成海岸公園供居民遊憩。因此這些人造礁岩的縫隙,可能增加一些龍蝦類的潛在棲地,就如同台灣有釣客會在消波塊的縫隙中找到龍蝦。但是至少目前為止,我都沒有在這邊聽到在人造礁岩中發現龍蝦的案例,可能還少了什麼因素吧。雖然在當地魚市場偶爾可看到長鬚的龍蝦,但是幾乎都可以確定是來自國外的進口貨,可能是南邊的歐曼,也可能是來自於紅海那側吧。

Rock lobster from local retail market, possibly imported from Oman.

The most common lobster in the Western Arbaian Gulf, Sand lobster Thenus orientalis
阿拉伯灣西岸最常見的龍蝦,沙龍蝦(海戰車, Thenus orientalis)
Take two sand lobsters for a try
Simply wrapped in the alum foil and roasted in the oven. They are more being steamed.
More lobsters. This time add they are roasted with some salt.

It seemed that they were in the oven for too long. The meat was better but also drier. It is OK, just like a bigger bite of a prawn.

Trying another way. I made the stock from the head and the carapace.

They I made a lobster pasta with the stock. A more luxury version, but without one key ingredient...

Another try. This time I cut them in half.
Adding some flour on the meat side, and frying them in the pan. This time was better.

More lobsters. 

A feast on lobsters. 
A bigger one in dinner. 

Another lobster species, very rare... 

The gonad of this lobster, quite large in quantity. 

The meat was taken, along with the gonad. 

I decided to make them a shrimp pasta. I fried chopped garlic with the olive oil, and then put the lobster roll in. 

Done! I should have not added the gonad.... 
做好了! 味道嘛...我不該加生殖腺進去的...
In conclusion, the sand lobsters are an interesting species to try, if the budget is not too tight. It don't appear all year round in the fish retail shops, mostly during the trawling season and caught by a special technique. In some fishing market, at times they are very fresh that the sand lobsters are moving. I think they need better culinary skill to make them out-standing, especially considering their high prices. I will not recommend to have rock lobster here, because they are imported somewhere and usually with lower quality.


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